Welcome to The America Transformation Project
Social change starts with building the audience.
Total war, an extraordinary concept, is rarely witnessed. Examples of such endeavors include Sherman's March through Atlanta in 1864, the D-Day Landing at Normandy in 1944, and the ongoing battle against COVID-19 in 2021. These historical moments exemplify a commitment to go 'all-in,' utilizing logistics, equipment, communications, and human resources to achieve monumental goals.
Now, envision applying this level of dedication to initiate a new era of social transformation.
Welcome to the America Transformation Project—an arena dedicated to history, knowledge management, and product innovation. While Substack can serve as a platform for audience transformation, it's crucial to understand that building this audience is a collective effort, requiring the support and collaboration of a community.
You write in order to change the world. The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter the way people look at reality, then you can change it. - James Baldwin
Writing serves as a means to change the world, as the world transforms according to how people perceive it. Even a slight shift in the way people view reality can bring about change, as James Baldwin beautifully expressed.
We’re facing the problem of the oak tree. Society often resembles a 250-year-old oak tree, with generations of leaves coming and going, but the tree itself remains unchanged. While this may suit trees, it's inadequate for society's evolution.
About Total War
The concept of 'Total War' emphasizes the absence of boundaries or limitations, encompassing a nation's complete commitment to war goals. Think of the collective effort to combat the pandemic in 2021. Isn't this the type of endeavor required to address today's core value issues?
Total war involves mobilizing industries, finance, and human resources for the war effort and broadening the scope of war to include all civilian-associated resources and infrastructure.
Establishing an audience begins with unique newsletters, each tailored to attract individuals with diverse interests to a common platform. People respond to images and topics grounded in memory, as new ideas often take longer to resonate. Memories and experiences play a vital role in facilitating societal adaptation to change.
Time is not on our side, as people age, the cost of social change escalates. It's crucial to transfer older knowledge to younger generations, planting the seeds of social change on our platform and empowering communities to innovate.
Knowledge Management
We have to start by moving older knowledge to younger heads. On the platform, we’re creating the seeds for social change and empowering communities to build new products and services. It’s a process that starts with sharing memories and ideas for social innovation.
Reflecting on my own experiences, I remember the aftermath of the 1967 Newark Riot, part of the 'long hot summer.'
Who could have predicted that tanks used in WW2 would be deployed in urban cities?
I grew up on Fairmount Ave in Newark, where fresh fruit was freely available during the summer months. Early in the 1900s, Italian and Polish immigrants planted fruit trees in the area, and by the 1960s, these homes were occupied by Black families. To maintain America’s social class system, large businesses, and non-blacks moved to the suburbs.
It’s all Politics
At the age of 11, I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Martin Luther King on my block. He visited 235 Fairmount Ave to assist a friend's mother facing eviction and kindly asked about my school performance. Sadly, Dr. King was assassinated six months later, along with Robert F. Kennedy, as part of a broader political context aimed at the 1968 Election. (Remember, in 1865 Lincoln was assassinated by the South to protect and build today’s social class system. )
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